What is Script Schule?
There are a thousand resources to learn JavaScript, but not many provide you interactive tools to really retain it.
Script Schule gives you a set of tools to practice modern JavaScript by:
- Building your memory with spaced repetition
- Solving problems in different domains
- Coding along by typing ahead of a solution
Bigger Picture
It's the final piece in the trifecta of web technologies covered by three different websites:
- HTML.Haus, a free resource to teach you Hyper Text Markup Language
- CSS.City, a collection of strategies for using Cascading Style Sheets
- Script.Schule, a practicing ground for really learning JavaScript
Starter code provided by the HTML5Boilerplate and MVP.CSS projects for sane defaults.
Illustrations provided by unDraw.
Script.Schule is written entirely in vanilla JavaScript, because you probably don't need a JavaScript frontend framework.